Capitalone 360 Mint Try Again Later

Capital 1 Accounts Won't Authorize/Download (updated title)


  • aaron

    seems to be an ongoing trouble for the last month or so

  • AZCoder1959

    > @AZCoder1959 said:
    > On, 2/13/2020, I reported I had a connectedness problem (on that thread Frankx referenced) that I had a related problem with Quicken for Mac and i of my CapitalOne accounts. At first, I thought it was because the account had been temporarily "suspended" due to inactivity. I made a transfer to reenable information technology and I nevertheless can't connect, even after completely disconnecting and reconnecting. The spinner spins until it times out. Information technology's been 4 days or so now. The other CapitalOne accounts were fine, though, until I stupidly disconnected them and tried to reconnect...then all accounts were timing out.
    > I called CapitalOne about it. In that location's zippo they can do on their side and are sending me to Quicken to resolve information technology.
    > ii/14/2020 update: I contacted Quicken and they spent quite a chip of fourth dimension analyzing my mistake & connection logs. Nothing specifically establish other than "Something's blocking you." Told me to wait 24-48 hours and endeavor again.
    > 2/20/2020 update: Still times out after 5 minutes. I contacted CapitalOne; once again, they told me to talk to Quicken, there'southward goose egg they can practice. I asked them to escalate information technology. And then I contacted Quicken; over again, told me to wait 24-48 hours and try again, mayhap in that location's a server problem that needs to get resolved.
    > At this rate, I don't see how information technology volition ever get stock-still. No 1's doing anything. My suggestion is you written report it to Quicken AND CapitalOne tech support and maybe that will light a fire if plenty people study it.

    2/26/2020 update: Even so times out after 5 minutes. I'm no longer reaching out to either Capital letter I or Quicken since i blames the other. If folks on this thread are NOT calling to complain as I did, I don't think information technology will ever get fixed since they call back the problem is limited to merely one or ii people.

    Quicken has online chat with tech back up and they'll work with you (and make you lot ship them log files, etc.) and it'south worth the time so they tin can mayhap run across a pattern. Capital letter One just needs to know in that location are more of us out hither and maybe they'll light a fire nether Quicken to prepare it.

  • MWGorman

    I as well accept messed effectually with this Majuscule One problem for over 5 months now. I take two accounts with Majuscule Ane and both accounts will show the transactions but neither account will provide the monthly statement amount due or due engagement. In the Neb Pay part of quicken the accounts will not link to Upper-case letter Ane.

    I have talked multiple times to both the technical service folks with Quicken and likewise the digital services department at Capital One. Quicken tells u.s. that the trouble is a Capital 1 issue and that CapitalOne suppose to exist working on solving the problem. However every phone call(half dozen) I have had with Capital One going back to October, I was told that Capital One is not aware of whatsoever such problem. Later the first contact to Upper-case letter 1 I so asked to escalate to someone higher or maybe more aware of such a problem. They always gave me the aforementioned answer that they are not working on such a problem nor are they aware it be. They said accept Quicken contact them but my attempt to tell that to tech support was met with its already beingness washed every bit referenced in the documents of this thread.

    At present in Uppercase One's defense force they are enlightened that other software programs like Mint are not experiencing the same problem and then they don't understand why Quicken should take any problems. I have both programs and Mint does evidence all transactions, amount due and due dates for all the aforementioned institutions. Quicken gets the transactions but can non link to get the due dates or amounts.

    Its clear that what Upper-case letter One is telling me and what Quicken is telling me are totally different so a miscommunication between them is most probable what needs to be addressed. Finger pointing hasn't worked and should brand the pointer expect to the manus that points with one finger and look where the other iii fingers are pointing.

    At present peradventure the Quicken technical support folks will read this and look into if in that location is a misunderstanding or what. Regardless if my information is right or not, the problem has dragged on since at least June of 2022 and does need to exist resolved or escalated to college power that tin can resolve it.

    Escalating certain issues to the Office of the President of any large corporation is something that only should be done in one case all other avenues dont achieve results. Certainly this event has gone on also long and sure seems that it should take been solved by now. This discussion thread does show some of the facts and our patience to date. Hopefully respected helpful folks with tech support can requite us good news within the adjacent week or then.


  • michaelsfutter


    For the past few days, my Capital 1 360 accounts are simply not working in Quicken (near contempo update). It'southward not unusual for the connection to drop later on a calendar week or so, requiring a reconnect to refresh and download new transactions. However, now it'south timing out when trying to login to my Capital 1 accounts. It's completely unusable. Any assistance will be greatly appreciated.

  • aaron

  • michaelsfutter

    OH NOOOOOOOO. Cheers a-aron.

  • michaelsfutter

    I only got off the phone with CapOne over again. They have suggested I let people know to call in, select the Quicken option, and tell them what's happening. The more people who pile in, the faster this gets escalated.

    The number I called was: ane-877-383-4802

  • NeuBob

    Same Result.... then frustrating.. i've disabled all of my accounts, gone into CapitalOne 360s website and delinked quicken.... get the sign-on screen and after entering creditials I go a spinning wheel.... forever. Was working perfectly.

  • AZCoder1959

    > @NeuBob said:
    > Same Issue.... so frustrating.. i've disabled all of my accounts, gone into CapitalOne 360s website and delinked quicken.... get the sign-on screen and after entering creditials I get a spinning bicycle.... forever. Was working perfectly.

    Aye, exactly. I tried once a day and still the same. No one is doing a thing most information technology, either.

  • AZCoder1959

    > @michaelsfutter said:
    > I just got off the phone with CapOne over again. They have suggested I let people know to telephone call in, select the Quicken selection, and tell them what's happening. The more than people who pile in, the faster this gets escalated.
    > The number I called was: one-877-383-4802

    I've been saying the same matter (telephone call BOTH Quicken and Capital 1). It seems they'll merely exercise something about it if they get hammered with user complaints.

  • michaelsfutter

    This whole thing is a nightmare. What other software is out there that actually functions?

  • michaelsfutter

    BTW... has anyone tried uninstalling the software and re-installing?

  • michaelsfutter

    > @michaelsfutter said:
    > BTW... has anyone tried uninstalling the software and re-installing?

    Nevermind... that def doesn't work.

  • michaelsfutter

    Just chosen Capital One again. Selected the Quicken selection under Online Banking on their phone menu...

    The woman who picked upwards had never heard of Quicken. I asked if I had reached the online banking department, because Quicken is one of the options. Was kinda shocked she'd never heard of it.

    "Is that an app?" she asked.


    "Is this the online cyberbanking department?" I responded.

    "In a way," she replied.


    What the ffffff does that even mean?

    I eventually got to someone else, who immediately escalated me to a manager. She seems to be unable to aid, but, "It should exist working."

    Weeeeeeeeeell... buckle up, kiddo. Because, it ain't.

    This is a flipping mess and both companies need to work together to figure it out.

  • nleanos79

    Yes. I'thousand on the telephone with Quicken now. I'one thousand going to effort to arrange a briefing call between Quicken and Capital One using the Capital One number that AZCoder1959 gave above. This whole affair is a nightmare.

  • michaelsfutter

    > @nleanos79 said:
    > Yeah. I'1000 on the phone with Quicken now. I'm going to try to accommodate a conference call between Quicken and Upper-case letter One using the Capital One number that AZCoder1959 gave above. This whole matter is a nightmare.

    When yous connect to that number y'all're looking for 360 accounts, online banking, and then the Quicken option.

  • nleanos79

    > @michaelsfutter said:
    > > @nleanos79 said:
    > > Yes. I'm on the telephone with Quicken now. I'm going to attempt to arrange a briefing telephone call betwixt Quicken and Capital Ane using the Capital I number that AZCoder1959 gave above. This whole thing is a nightmare.
    > When you connect to that number you're looking for 360 accounts, online cyberbanking, and then the Quicken option.

    2 and a half hours on the phone with Quicken. This seems to be a really complex problem. At present they're saying that the trouble could possible not be Capital letter One at all, but related to the Internet service provider yous use. I'm on Verizon FiOS.

    Aye, you heard me right. Capital I is blaming Quicken, Quicken says they don't noted bug with Capital I, and Quicken so blames the problem on my internet provider.

    I seriously could strangle someone I'm so frustrated with this!

  • Joe Pucci

    I see many threads on here. You click on login - after yous say no to downloading similar 5 fonts, you get the Capital One login. Y'all log in successfully and so it just times out. I have not been able to download transactions for about 2+ weeks.

    On Catalina x.fifteen.3 and Quicken Version (Build 515.32947.100)

    I love how they blame the consumer and the banking concern and after it is magically fixed.

    This happens all the time subsequently an upgrade. Last yr was Chase. This year so far Capital I.

  • nleanos79

    Joe, I hear yous. I've been dealing with the same thing. I've called both Capital 1 and Quicken multiple times. The terminal time that I talked to Quicken, they said that it was a problem with settings inside my router. I talked to Verizon FiOS today and eliminated every unmarried firewall that was ready up within my router. Still not working. Information technology's infuriating.

  • phil h

    After signing in and trying to add together the Capital One credit card, information technology but sits on the "merry-get-round!" For some reason the sign-in for Uppercase One only spins and times out. Tried deleting and re-doing, but information technology nonetheless doesn't piece of work. Will it exist fixed?

  • kburden

    And I only got off the phone with Upper-case letter One who says its a Quicken error yet I've read on several places on hither where Quicken has said its a Capital 1 effect.

  • Quicken Sarah

    How-do-you-do All,

    Thank you for taking the time to report the details of this effect to the Community, although I apologize for any frustration or inconvenience experienced.

    I attempted to replicate this beliefs in my copy of Quicken for Mac 2022 (subscription) simply could not, the authorization screen loaded equally expected and I was able to successfully add and update my accounts with Majuscule I.

    For those who are continuing to experience this issue and the say-so screen does not load, please answer hither and ostend which instance of Capital I y'all are selecting
    Capital One 360
    Capital One Bank - New
    Capital letter One Carte du jour - Electric current
    Majuscule Ane Card Services

    Are you attempting to re-authorize Uppercase One accounts that already exist in the Quicken Data File?

    Or are you attempting to add and authorize Capital One accounts that do not already be in the Quicken Data File?

    Please also confirm if you are connected to the internet using an ethernet (hardwired) connection or WiFi.

    If WiFi, delight temporarily modify the connexion to a different provider, such equally a Mobile HotSpot or ethernet connexion - does the authorization window details now load?  Or does the screen remain blank?

    Delight let united states know, give thanks yous.


  • michaelsfutter

    Ummmm. I'thou on Fios, also. Hold on... trying something.

  • kburden

    I called Capital One and got no help. On with Quicken chat for last 45 minutes. Did a new test file in Quicken & got my Capital 1 credit card to connect & download in it but non in my bodily Quicken file. All the same on with amanuensis trying to reconcile.

  • michaelsfutter

    HOLY ISH! I tethered to my phone and information technology worked. Fios IS the problem. What the flipping flapjacks?!

  • Joe Pucci

    They are existing accounts. During the updates business relationship procedure, the error box pops upward that Capital letter I is requesting that yous SignIn. Yous click, Sign In. Y'all go the Sign In Box, says successful and then it just clocks, until you become a message that it times out and y'all tin can try once more or cancel. The accounts were fix with Capital One 360 and I tried Capital One Bank - New. These are checking, savings,and CDs then did not try the card ones. I am on wifi equally there is no ethernet in the home part.

  • Joe Pucci

    Tried other connexion types nothing. Tried hot spot nothing. The error on the download process states: Partial Download (351) Capital letter One 360 needs to reauthorize your accounts by signing in again (cccapture.350)

  • Quicken Sarah

    Hello @Joe Pucci

    Thanks for the response and providing that additional data.

    I apologize, only I have one more question for you, who is your isp?

    Thanks once again,


  • kburden

    For those who are continuing to feel this issue and the authorisation screen does not load, please answer here and confirm which instance of Capital One you are selecting
    Capital I 360
    Uppercase One Bank - New - have tried this
    Capital I Bill of fare - Electric current - have also tried this
    Uppercase I Card Services - have also tried this

    Are you attempting to re-authorize Upper-case letter 1 accounts that already be in the Quicken Information File? - take tried to re-authorize and have tried to add new

    Or are you attempting to add together and qualify Uppercase One accounts that do not already exist in the Quicken Information File? - have tried to add new likewise

    Please besides confirm if you are connected to the internet using an ethernet (hardwired) connection or WiFi. - using WiFi

  • Joe Pucci

This word has been closed.


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